Monday, December 18, 2006

Plugged or Unplugged

Hi All,

If there is anybody here who has not seen the film "MATRIX" let he/she try and do so in order to better understand this.
We live in a world that has a system, the system allows for a lot of vanities, It simply throws what we do not need at us cheaply and the very things wr truly want/need it deprives us. For example, it is so easy to get a prostitute for a one night stand, yet so difficult to get wife. It is easy to play or set up a playing atmosphere but so difficult to get a job that will fetch a living.
But come to think of it the principle does nto apply to all, while some cannot get a job, some others change jobs like clothes and are offered more that they have to refuse, while some cannot afford a meal a day some though cannot also afford to eat are being offered the food free of charge. And it is the same God the made us all....hmm.
These "supermen" do not have to heads some were born in poorer states the those who now suffer while they enjoy. For instance I have heard people say, I can't get a job because I did not go to school and I did not go to school because ny parents are poor. I have also heard people say that the reason why I have not made it beyond this point is because my parents are rich and they pampered me so I did not learn to fight for what I want while growing up. Is this not funny?
Let me tell you about the "supermen". The supermen like Neo, Murpheous and Trinity, are men who have simply been reoriented and have gotten a knowledge that the world system only applies to those who believe in it. They have come to an undertstanding that they can change the rules by changing their thinking, belief, choices and their general approach to life to one that will simply not settle for less. To one that sees No Limits. They no longer live by the general order. The general system does not apply to them anymore because the moment they had this changed mindset, its like for them they run on a different program, they write what becomes of them by themselves. If the world was a MATRIX (a program written to decieve us so that we will not be true to who we are or should be), they have been unplugged, their eyes have been opened, they know the truth, the truth has set them free, free to fly.

What is the truth?
We are children of God, Our playing small does not serve the world.
There is potential on the inside of each and everyone of us.
This knowledge liberates us and and as we set ourselves free we unconsciously spread it to others around us.

Knowing the truth and living it is what finally set us free (Unplugs us) and as such we are no longer confined to a box, we no longer have limits or fears, and agents in this world cannot stop them.
Please get unplugged now.
This is supposed to start an unplugging process in you, if you remain in the Matrix, it is your choice for which you would have no excuse(s)


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

MicrosoftWord Quickreferernce

List of keyboard shortcuts for Word 2002 and for Word 2003

Command Name Shortcut Keys
Annotation ALT+CTRL+M
App Maximize ALT+F10
App Restore ALT+F5
Apply Heading1 ALT+CTRL+1
Apply Heading2 ALT+CTRL+2
Apply Heading3 ALT+CTRL+3
Apply List Bullet CTRL+SHIFT+L
Auto Format ALT+CTRL+K
Auto Text F3 or ALT+CTRL+V
Bookmark CTRL+SHIFT+F5
Browse Previous CTRL+PAGE UP
Cancel ESC
Center Para CTRL+E
Change Case SHIFT+F3
Char Left LEFT
Char Left Extend SHIFT+LEFT
Char Right RIGHT
Char Right Extend SHIFT+RIGHT
Close or Exit ALT+F4
Close Pane ALT+SHIFT+C
Column Select CTRL+SHIFT+F8
Copy Format CTRL+SHIFT+C
Copy Text SHIFT+F2
Create Auto Text ALT+F3
Customize Add Menu ALT+CTRL+=
Customize Keyboard ALT+CTRL+NUM +
Customize Remove Menu ALT+CTRL+-
Date Field ALT+SHIFT+D
Dictionary ALT+SHIFT+F7
Do Field Click ALT+SHIFT+F9
Doc Close CTRL+W or CTRL+F4
Doc Maximize CTRL+F10
Doc Move CTRL+F7Doc
Restore CTRL+F5
Doc Size CTRL+F8
Doc Split ALT+CTRL+S
Double Underline CTRL+SHIFT+D
End of Column ALT+PAGE DOWN
End of Doc Extend CTRL+SHIFT+END
End of Document CTRL+END
End of Line END
End of Line Extend SHIFT+END
End of Row ALT+END
Endnote Now ALT+CTRL+D
Extend Selection F8
Field Chars CTRL+F9
Field Codes ALT+F9
Font Size Select CTRL+SHIFT+P
Footnote Now ALT+CTRL+F
Go To CTRL+G or F5
Grow Font CTRL+SHIFT+.
Grow Font One Point CTRL+]
Hanging Indent CTRL+T
Header Footer Link ALT+SHIFT+R
Help F1
Hyperlink CTRL+K
Indent CTRL+M
Justify Para CTRL+J
Left Para CTRL+L
Line Down DOWN
Line Down Extend SHIFT+DOWN
Line Up UP
Line Up Extend SHIFT+UP
List Num Field ALT+CTRL+L
Lock Fields CTRL+3 or CTRL+F11
Macro ALT+F8
Mail Merge Check ALT+SHIFT+K
Mail Merge Edit Data Source ALT+SHIFT+E
Mail Merge to Doc ALT+SHIFT+N
Mail Merge to Printer ALT+SHIFT+M
Mark Citation ALT+SHIFT+I
Mark Index Entry ALT+SHIFT+X
Mark Table of Contents Entry ALT+SHIFT+O
Menu Mode F10
Merge Field ALT+SHIFT+F
Microsoft Script Editor ALT+SHIFT+F11
Microsoft System Info ALT+CTRL+F1
Move Text F2
Next Cell TAB
Next Field F11 or ALT+F1
Next Misspelling ALT+F7
Next Object ALT+DOWN
Next Window CTRL+F6 or ALT+F6
Open CTRL+O or CTRL+F12 or ALT+CTRL+F2
Open or Close Up Para CTRL+0
Other Pane F6 or SHIFT+F6
Outline ALT+CTRL+O
Outline Collapse ALT+SHIFT+- or ALT+SHIFT+NUM -
Outline Demote ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT
Outline Expand ALT+SHIFT+=
Outline Expand ALT+SHIFT+NUM +
Outline Move Down ALT+SHIFT+DOWN
Outline Move Up ALT+SHIFT+UP
Outline Promote ALT+SHIFT+LEFT
Outline Show First Line ALT+SHIFT+L
Overtype INSERT
Page Down Extend SHIFT+PAGE DOWN
Page Field ALT+SHIFT+P
Page Up Extend SHIFT+PAGE UP
Para Down Extend CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN
Para Up Extend CTRL+SHIFT+UP
Paste Format CTRL+SHIFT+V
Prev Field SHIFT+F11 or ALT+SHIFT+F1
Prev Object ALT+UP
Print Preview CTRL+F2 or ALT+CTRL+I
Proofing F7
Redo or Repeat CTRL+Y or F4 or ALT+ENTER
Repeat Find SHIFT+F4 or ALT+CTRL+Y
Replace CTRL+H
Reset Para CTRL+Q
Revision Marks Toggle CTRL+SHIFT+E
Right Para CTRL+R
Save As F12
Select All CTRL+A or CTRL+CLEAR (NUM 5) or CTRL+NUM 5
Select Table ALT+CLEAR (NUM 5)
Show All Headings ALT+SHIFT+A
Show Heading1 ALT+SHIFT+1
Show Heading2 ALT+SHIFT+2
Show Heading3 ALT+SHIFT+3
Show Heading4 ALT+SHIFT+4
Show Heading5 ALT+SHIFT+5
Show Heading6 ALT+SHIFT+6
Show Heading7 ALT+SHIFT+7
Show Heading8 ALT+SHIFT+8
Show Heading9 ALT+SHIFT+9
Shrink Font CTRL+SHIFT+,
Shrink Font One Point CTRL+[
Space Para1 CTRL+1
Space Para15 CTRL+5
Space Para2 CTRL+2
Start of Column ALT+PAGE UP
Start of Column ALT+SHIFT+PAGE UP
Start of Doc Extend CTRL+SHIFT+HOME
Start of Document CTRL+HOME
Start of Line HOME
Start of Line Extend SHIFT+HOME
Start of Row ALT+HOME
Start of Row ALT+SHIFT+HOMEStart of Window ALT+CTRL+PAGE UPStart of Window Extend ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE UP
Subscript CTRL+=
Superscript CTRL+SHIFT+=
Symbol Font CTRL+SHIFT+Q
Thesaurus SHIFT+F7
Time Field ALT+SHIFT+T
Toggle Field Display SHIFT+F9
Toggle Master Subdocs CTRL+Tool SHIFT+F1
Underline CTRL+U or CTRL+SHIFT+U
Unlink Fields CTRL+6 or CTRL+SHIFT+F9
Unlock Fields CTRL+4 or CTRL+SHIFT+F11
Update Auto Format ALT+CTRL+U
Update Fields F9 or ALT+SHIFT+U
Update Source CTRL+SHIFT+F7
VBCode ALT+F11
Web Go Back ALT+LEFT
Web Go Forward ALT+RIGHT
Word Left Extend CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT
Word Right Extend CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT
Word Underline CTRL+SHIFT+W

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Intrepreneurship 101

- The History of Intrapreneurship

In an article in The Economist in 1976, Norman Macrae predicted a number of trends in business - one of them being "that dynamic corporations of the future should simultaneously be trying alternative ways of doing things in competition within themselves". In 1982, he revisited those thoughts in another Economist article, noting that the this trend had resulted in confederations of intrapreneurs. He suggested that firms should not be paying people for attendance, but should be paying competing groups for modules of work done. One suggestion was to set up a number of typing pools contracted for a certain amount of work over a certain time period for a lump sum. The members of the pool would be responsible for apportioning work, setting pay, setting work hours or even whether to subcontract out part of the work. Applied across the business spectrum such groups would provide the intrapreneurial competition he envisioned.

During the same time frame, Gifford and Elizabeth Pinchot were developing their concept of intra-corporate entrepreneur. They coined the word intrapreneur giving credit for their thinking to the 1976 article by Macrae. Under their model a person wishing to develop an intrapreneurial project would initially have to risk something of value to themself - a portion of their salary, for instance. The intrapreneur could then sell the completed project for both cash bonuses and intra-capital which could be used to develop future projects. Based on the success of some of the early trials of their methods in Sweden they began a school for intrapreneurs and in 1985 they published their first book,Intrapreneuring, combining the findings from their research and practical applications . (Note: A revised edition of that book, Intrapreneuring in Action is now available.)

By 1986 John Naisbett was citing intrapreneurship as a way for established businesses to find new markets and new products in his our-of-print book, " Re-Inventing the Corporation" and Steve Jobs was describing the development of the Macintosh computer as an intrapreneurial venture within Apple. The concept was established enough that in 1990 Rosabeth Moss Kanter of Harvard Business School discussed in her book, " When Giants Learn to Dance", the need for intrapreneurial development as a key factor in ensuring the survival of the company.
And, in 1992, The American Heritage Dictionary brought intrapreneurism into the main stream by adding intrapreneur to its dictionary, defining it as "a person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation". Intrapreneurship was a concept here to stay.

- Human Resources Issues in Intrapreneurship

What has intrapreneurship meant in the reality of the business environment? The area of greatest impact has been, of course, in human resources. Intrapreneurship has not just become a method for revitalizing business processes, but of also revitalizing jobs.
In GTE's Information Systems Division that has paid off for the company and its employees too. This program was actually developed by a former GTE employee, Anthony Spadafore, who left GTE to form his own consultancy program, Pathfinders, which works towards developing self-directed employees. Spadafore spent extensive counselling the volunteer employees in this new way of thinking and working. From the initial group eight new projects were proposed and a number of them funded. A number of employees have defined totally new career paths for themselves. This program has totally redefined how GTE does business.
3M is another company that has reaped the rewards of intrapreneurism. 3M has a standard policy that allows all employees to work on developing their own business ideas at least 15 percent of the time they are at work. One of the big breakthroughs that came from this program was the concept of Post-It-Notes which was pioneered by an employees that wanted something that wouldn't fall out to mark pages in his hymn book at church.
One of the most exciting concepts in intrapreneurism is developing intrapreneurial competing teams within a company. The organization can be organized around teams that function as small businesses nested and networked together. These teams can be focused on a product such as a new car, a process, such as public relation or a service, such as the secretarial services of the organization. What evolves is a free market system with work coordinated more effectively and responsibility distributed more widely.

- The Intrapreneurial Organization

Intrapreneurs have been credited with increasing the speed and cost-effectiveness of technology transfer from research and development to the marketplace. While intrapreneurs are sometimes considered inventors, inventors come up with new products. Intrapreneurs come up with new processes that get that product to market. Part of the reason they are considered similar to inventors is that they are creative and are risk-takers in the sense that they are stepping out of their traditional role within the business. However, their risk-taking behavior is personal. In terms of the business, they actually work towards minimizing the risk through the innovative approaches they use to more efficient and effective product production and sales.
Some methods that have been used by businesses to foster intrapreneurship are:

· Users of internal services are allowed to make their own choice of which internal vendor they wish to use.
Intrapreneurial employees are granted something akin to ownership rights in the internal intraprises they create.
Companywide involvement is encouraged by insisting on truth and honesty in marketing and marketplace feedback.
Intrapreneurial teams are treated as a profit center rather than a cost center(i.e, they are responsible for their own bottom line). One way some companies handle this is for the team to have their own internal bank account.
Team members are allowed a variety of options in jobs, in innovation efforts, alliances, and exchanges.
Employees are encouraged to develop through training programs.
Internal enterprises have official standing in the organization.
A system of contractual agreements between internal enterprises is defined and supported by the organization.
A system for settling disputes between internal enterprises and between employees and enterprises is part of the intrapreneurship plan.
Intrapreneurism in business has evolved to encompass a variety of concepts: identifying and fostering employees who have what a considered to be intrapreneurial traits, developing an intrapreneurial process for part or all of a business, and developing innovation through rewarding intrapreneurial behavior.

- The Intrapreneur

For the intrapreneurial employee, advice abounds. They are advised to be courageous, moderate risk takers, frugal, flexible, and creative about their pathway. Their task is to put together a team of enthusiastic volunteers, build a network of sponsors, and ask for advice before asking for resources.
Gifford Pinchot's out-of print book " Intrapreneuring, Why You Don't Have to Leave the Corporation to Become an Entrepreneur" provides 10 commandments for intrapreneurs:

  • Do any job needed to make your project work regardless of your job description.
  • Share credit wisely.
  • Remember, it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
  • Come to work each day willing to be fired.
  • Ask for advice before asking for resources.
  • Follow your intuition about people; build a team of the best.
  • Build a quiet coalition for your idea; early publicity triggers the corporate immune system.
  • Never bet on a race unless you are running in it.
  • Be true to your goals, but realistic about ways to achieve them.
  • Honor your sponsors.

Online forums that encourage new thinking have evolved with Fast Company and The Intrapreneuring Cafe being among the favorites. Fast Company has the goal of chronicling the changes under way in how companies create and compete, highlighting the new practices shaping how work gets done, showcasing teams who are inventing the future and reinventing business, and equipping the people exploring this uncharted territory with the tools, techniques, models, and mind-sets they need. The Intrapreneuring Cafe, run by discusses a variety of specific intrapreneurship issues such as what the best businesses are for intrapreneurship and government agency intrapreneuring. They also run want ads for intrapreneurs.

Another direction intrapreneurship is growing is in developing scenarios to anticipate future trends and responses. Scenarios are stories about possible futures which enable organizations to learn, adapt and develop better strategies. Scenario planning begins by identifying the focal issue or decision. There are an infinite number of stories that could be told about the future; the purpose is to tell those that matter, that lead to better decisions. While scenarios to-date have primarily been used for large scale planning efforts for such projects as education in the United States, it is very applicable to the business environment today.

Make Money Online

Make Money Online

Even with no product and no Web site, you can get paid for what and who you know

Making money online used to pretty much require you to have your own Web site, products to sell and some marketing savvy. But a new generation of dot-coms have arisen that will pay you for what you know and who you know without you having to be a web designer or a marketing genius.

But it's hard to tell hype from the real deal. I did a search on "make money online" and "making money online", and much of the information out there is just promoting various infoproducts, mostly about Internet marketing. I see why people sometimes ask, "Is anyone making money online besides Internet marketing experts?"
So I put together a list of business opportunities with legitimate companies that:
Pay cash, not just points towards rewards or a chance to win money
Don't require you to have your own Web domain or your own products
Don't involve any hard-selling
Aren't just promoting more Internet marketing
Give a good return on your time investment
In the interest of objectivity, none of the links below are affiliate links, and none of them have paid or provided any other consideration for their presence here.

These are legitimate companies with business models that allow you to get paid for a wide range of activities.
Help friends find better jobs.
Sites like karmaONE, JobThread and connect employers with prospective employees, many of whom are already employed and not actively job-hunting, via networking - the people who know these qualified candidates. Rewards for referring a candidate who gets hired range from a few hundred dollars to as much as $5,000 - not chump change. This is a great way to break into the recruiting business with no overhead.
Connect suppliers with buyers.
Referral fees are a common practice in business, but they haven't been used much in online networking sites because there was no way to track them. InnerSell provides that. Vendors set the referral fees they're willing to pay, then when a deal happens, you get 70% of the referral fee.
Provide business contact information.
One of the greatest challenges in sales is getting accurate contact information about prospective customers. A growing number of services have launched in the past couple of years to help address this, but most rely on members to maintain their own contact information. Jigsaw, on the other hand, pays members to help keep information up-to-date on the people they know, not just themselves, and pays them to do so ($1 for each unique new qualifying contact you put into the system). According to Jigsaw, in their first payout after launch, the top ten point-earns each received more than $750.
Become a semi-pro reporter.
Creative Reporter is a new program from Creative Weblogging that lets just about anyone become a paid reporter/blogger. They're looking for people to create original, but non-exclusive, blog posts / articles of 250-500 words on topics including parenting, celebrities, travel, mobile technology, and more. Pay is $10 per 1,000 page views on your posts (that's excellent pay for Web writing, although there's no telling how much traffic/money you'll actually get).
Write your own blog.
You don't have to have your own Web site, or install blogging software, or even figure out how to set up the advertising. At Blogger you can set up a blog for free in less than five minutes without knowing a thing about web design, and Blogger even automates setting up Google AdSense so you can make money off your blog by displaying ads and getting paid when people click on the ads. To make even more money from it, set up an affiliate program (see below) for books, music, etc., and insert your affiliate links whenever you refer to those items. You'll have to get a lot of traffic to become a six-figure blogger, but pick an interesting topic, write well, tell all your friends, and you're off to a good start.
Related: Blog Profit Tips - Make Money From Weblogs
Advertise other people's products.
If you already have a Web site or a blog, look for vendors that offer related but non-competing products and see if they have an affiliate program. Stick to familiar products and brands - they're easier to sell. To promote those products:
Place simple text or graphical ads in appropriate places on your site
Include links to purchase products you review or recommend in a blog, discussion forum or mailing list you control
Create a dedicated sales page or Web site to promote a particular product
They all work - it just depends on how much time you have to spend on it and your level of expertise with Web design and marketing.
Related: How To How to Really Make Money on the Internet With an Affiliate Site
The above list is by no means comprehensive, but it highlights some of the new and interesting ways to make money online without investing any money, without having a product of your own, and without having expert sales and marketing skills. Most of all, unlike taking surveys or getting paid to read e-mail, the potential return on your time investment is substantial.
Suggested Reading
How to Really Make Money on the Internet With an Affiliate Site
Internet Marketing Articles
Blog Profit Tips - Make Money From Weblogs
Related Articles
Make Money Online (Without Spending a Dime)
Internet Business Models
Marketing your Craft Web Site
4 Elements of a Successful, Profitable Website

Other relevant links

$10000 in 5 days no jokeThe Marketing Strategy That Changed the internet
Make $13,500 a monthfrom a free toolbar you build on your
work at homeBe your own boss set your own

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tips and Tricks

Gbàmí gbàmí ò yẹ àgbàlagbà, Ewúré nle mí ò yẹ ọdẹ

This is a yoruba (the language of one of the tribes in nigeria) adage which means... screems for help is not too befitting for an adult and i'm being chased by a goat not too befitting for a hunter.

I'm posting this today for two reasons

1. To let you know that you do not have to wait until you will need to tell that unbefitting tale, the kind of tale that make people say stuff like "what were you too looking at... you should have...."

2. I wan't to let you know that writing yoruba precisely as it should be in you blog is possible and below are some tips and how to get it done.

  • Type it in microsoft word and thereafter copy it to your post
  • For special symbols, click insert, click symbols, pick the one that most siuts you then click insert, finally click close.
  • It could be strainous and time consuming doing it over and over, please endure... good things take a while.
On a final note, always remember... impossible is nothing, nothing is impossible


Monday, December 04, 2006


The magic box
What you see above is call the magic box. It’s got three rows and three columns, it can contain the number from one to nine each in it’s own cell as shown above. However, these numbers can be rearranged in such a way that every straight three cell ad up to 15 including the diagonals. Examples

If you are a good thinker it probably won’t take you time to figure it out. Its easy, rearrange the numbers from 1 – 9 in this box in such a way that all straight three cells add up to 15. Try it and share how many days/ hours it took you with me.


The Man in the Mirror

The man in the mirror
A look around me in the past weekend made me understand this: When we want to apportion blame say for example about the present situation of things in our country, we blame the government, policies, inflation, tax, politicians, our parents, the boss of the company we work, our class mates, our friends and others that I cannot even begin to imagine.
We blame all except the man in the mirror… ourselves. Come to think of it how many of us have actually accepted while being driven that it is the man driving us that is responsible for the near accident situation. We blame the driver in the other car, despite the facts.

Another critical look again and I realize that in a quest for success and significance we look everywhere for the secret… we look over the mountains, deserts, cross seven seas, did deep into the earth, bla bla bla and forgetting the most important, the answer… the man in the mirror… you.
You are the secret of your success, the secret of your failure. You should like the lizard that falls from the Iroko tree and nods, praising himself also praise yourself if you survive the storms of life and make a great achievement otherwise blame yourself for taking the jump if you died in the process.
It’s time to look in the mirror with a different purpose rather than to see if the make-up looks good on you. It time to look at the star in you the only person that can take you to your desired height or the fool in you the one person that has been responsible for all your set backs.

NO MORE EXCUSES… It’s the man in the mirror we should blame/credit
